song title: Let’s Bring Them Down
date written: 12/17/2020
written by: Melissa M Carlisle
aka: MCtheGirL
bring bring bring bring
bringing me out
with all that
spam spam spam spam, oh man
I’m tired of it all, even being aloud
why doesn’t anyone do something
my phone’s ringing up fake bills
things that I never bought
is my identity screwed?
I maybe blonde but still,
I’m not dumb enough, to be fooled.
I don’t own a car,
so I can’t owe on a, not any car-loan.
I don’t have a house,
I’m not late on any mortgage
don’t B-S me, I’m not falling for
anything you try to sell me
I can obtain cheaper than you deal
I don’t have tickets, for speeding
can’t threaten me with jail
bring bring bring bring
bringing me out
with all that
spam spam spam spam, oh man
I’m tired of it all, even being aloud
why doesn’t anyone do something
I don’t even answer anymore.
bring bring bring bring
bringing me out
with all that
spam spam spam spam, oh man
I’ll scan all the spammers, scammers
I’ll bring them down and out to the police
I’ll notify all the non-emergency numbers
give them all over to, our big brother, brother
the man, who else did you think of?
all the scammers get thrown into jail
spammers getting spammed, by themselves.
spam spam spam spam, oh man
it just had to be done and dealt with
so let’s all copy down those numbers
from all the spammers and scammers
give them to the non-emergency police
then we’ll all make a list online and share
get them put on the spam notification list.
bring bring bring
bringing the list to you
everyone needs to try
what’s the number, numbers
of the scammers and spamers
write it down down down
let’s bring them down!
save it, copy and share