Introducing Myself to others in Texas. Hi I’m Melissa Carlisle, also known as MCtheGirL because of my first and last…
Introducing myself to an amino group…. Here is the link to this post in the amino group. Hi, I’m Melissa…
Gluten & Dairy / Lactose Free What’s BS vs real? Gluten Issues Just because it says gluten free in big…
ButterCup likes her new bed~ Safe and fast arrival time, about one week. Easy to wash. Directions say hand wash…
I got this item in the mail, it has pretty flowers. Here’s some photos… . . . . . Four…
I am a girl. I love animals and plants. Coding & designing websites is what I do. Likes: design, HTML…
I own this blog wp site and I manually code my main site along with multiple others. All I ask…
I’m on Google+ Thank you for fallowing! 212 fallowers. I hope you enjoy my posts.