The Reality of My Life.
A truly honest photo while in the process of trying to survive. Life with chronic migraines are no joke, but when sick, the photos are funny later on.
Obviously, I was unable to edit or post this photo at the time. Didn’t stop me from shooting the pic though.
Do you really need to know anything more?
Alright, so I made it into a hot shower.
No, my hair did not fall off.
Migraine Safety:
When in the Shower
Hot showers, with a chair, can really help with the pain sometimes. It’s not always safe to shower with a migraine. You have to except the fact that you might fall over or puke at any random moment.
Baths are no good because you could drowned. Yes, a grown woman or adult man could die in a bath with a migraine by simply passing out from pain and slipping under the water. It’s a serious problem.
Don’t be stupid. Use a shower chair and keep the drain open, make sure someone is home in case you fall down and get seriously hurt.