The Things You’d Never Know~
Fake smile / Reality not well.
… I’m fine, I will survive…
No Pity. Thanks. I can get the job done.
It’s almost 1:00 a.m. and I’ve got another 40 minutes on the dryer and this public laundry room at the apartment and I feel like I’m dying of heat. Fluorescent lights alone are like driving me insane. I’m not going down easy lol I can ‘FAKE IT TILL I MAKE IT” I usually just need to do stuff when I’m physically/mentally capable of completing the task or doing part of it at a time. I can’t be on other people’s schedules; Everyone has too many different schedules and I got to do what I need to do for myself.
Still helping others, not asking for help, just follow me on *Instagram & Facebook @MCtheGirL
Give respect and don’t stare at people’s scars; Not everyone is as willing to talk about scars and their pain, like I am.
On Instagram…
@chronicpets @mc1girl @mcthegirl
@thismigrainelife @migraine_support @fibromyalgiaawareness
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#ibs #ibsd #acidreflux #fakeit #girl #strivetothrive #better #support #mc #mcthegirl #mcthe1originalgirl